Thursday, September 30, 2010

First week at the MTC

Alrighty, well I'm not really all that sure where to begin.  Umm, the MTC is definitely not as bad as some people back home made it out to be.  The first few days just dragged on and on and on, but now that I have a more normal schedule, the days just seem to be flying by.  Just in case you didn't guess by the date that this email is being sent, my P-Days are on Thursdays, and I didnt get one last Thursday because I had just arrived here. 

My Companion's name is Elder Mitchell.  He's from Detroit Michigan.  He's a pretty cool guy, alot like myself except he's African American.  He is actually 23, and will be serving in the same mission as me!  But unfortunately he is probably going to be leaving me in the next couple of days, as he has a little more knowledge of Spanish, so he is planning on moving to a more advanced class.  But he has been a great companion over the last week, and part of me hopes that they aren't able to move him, even though I know it will probably be a little better for him.

He will be the second of three people to leave my district.  One of the sisters, Hermana Dunagan (Hermana is spanish for Sister) has already left, and Elder Silva is planning on leaving too.  But the rest of my district is pretty tight.  Four of the Elders are going to be going to Bolivia, and my room mates Elders Lee and Mower are going to be serving in North Carolina.  All of the sisters, Hermana Anderson, Lemke, and Angell are going to be going to New York as well as me.  Everyone in my district accept for four of us are from Utah.  The others are from Arizona, California, and my companion from Michigan. 

My teachers are awesome, Hermana Billin served her mission in Chile, and my other teacher, Hermano Sederberg (Hermano is spanish for Brother)served his mission in Spain.  They are both really great teachers.  Recently we have been learning about conjugating verbs, and I must say that I am thoroughly confused.  But the hardest part is memorizing the verbs and what they mean in english.  The conjugates are the easiest part.

Spanish altoghether is not the most complicated language.  It's just hard to learn because it is so different from english.  And it requires a lot of memorization.  On Tuesday we went to a thing called the TRC, (not sure what it stands for.) But at the TRC you prepare yourself for a senario, and it has the things you need to do.  On Tuesday we had to go meet three people, and kinda get to know them a little, and then set up a time where we could come back later.  This first part had to be in Spanish.  Then once you've done this, you go and prepare, then return and teach them the first lesson based on the need that you learned in the original meeting.  Although I learned very little about the people because I couldn't understand most of what came out of their mouths.  Lets just say spanish is spoken a lot quicker than english, even my english is slow in comparison!  But I think the hardest part is my lack of vocab.

My zone is pretty cool.  We just had a guy leave last night after having been here for 14 weeks.  Earlier in his MTC he had broken his knee and had to get surgery, but he was finally able to leave.  We just got another new district in last night which is pretty nice, cause we're no longer the new guys of the zone.  I am definitely looking forward to about the 4th or 5th week when we have a little more of a handle on the language, and I can teach and talk to people a little more using mostly spanish. 

Any ways, my time's about up for my email use, I hope all is well at home.   I'm looking forward to next week when I can hear back from all of you.  I kinda miss you.. jk.  miss you love you,
 -Elder Dilling-

P.S. I got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa Smigel on Tuesday too.  It was really nice, and just so you know, if you send a letter to me here on a Wednesday, I'll get it on a Tuesday.  And if anyone wants to send me some packages with some stuff in them (candy and whatever else.) I wont be disappointed.......

Spanish class with Hermano Sederberg (standing in the suit)