Wednesday, September 22, 2010


We dropped Elder Dilling off at the MTC at 12:45 today.  Surprisingly enough, I didn't cry as much as I thought I would, as I know he is where he should be, so it was bittersweet.  I was less nervous dropping him off at the MTC than I was when we dropped him off at BYUI last September!  I told him this earlier today and he said he has felt exactly the opposite.  He wasn't nervous at all about starting school, but he has been a bit nervous about going on his mission, mostly because it's for two years rather than a couple of semesters.  When we drove to the MTC there were Host Missionaries waiting to welcome the new missionaries.  Everything was so well organized.  It was really nice.  We took a picture of Elder Dilling standing in front of the MTC.  We know he will be a great missionary!  We are looking forward to hearing from Elder Dilling soon, and we will share his comments in future posts.

Lana Dilling (the crying mom)